Mini ConcreteBatching Plant

How Much Does a mini batching Plant Cost?

How Much Does a mini batching Plant Cost?

How much does a mini batching plant cost? In fact, the concrete batching plant cost depends on how you calculate it. haomei machinery help users to make a mini batching plant cost list as follows:
Materials costs of a concrete batch plant: Cement, sand, sand, gravel, fly ash, slag, admixture and all other materials costs can be relatively simple calculation according to the ratio and the unit price of raw material. Freight costs of a concrete batch plant: Concrete batch plant cost of freight is mainly a variety of vehicle fuel consumption, and it includes the cost of concrete mixer, cement mixer pump, concrete mixer truck and wheel loader. Generally, concrete batching plant cost of freight can be calculated by actually statistics. For example, the boss is scheduled to recover the cost of five years, it is the total amount of concrete plant cost or expected output of five years, that is, the cost of depreciation of equipment in each side of the mini batching plant.
PR expenses costs of a concrete batching plant: mini batching plant cost of PR expenses including all expenses incurred in the marketing of the commercial concrete sales. In general, the company will have a certain amount of budget for these mobile, stationary, portable, ready mix and central mix concrete plant cost, and calculate batching plant cost according to the reference value of company
Water and electricity of a concrete batching plant: Concrete batching plant cost of water and electricity includes staff costs of water and electricity in the process of production, daily life and work water. In addition, there is a communication costs of batching plant, some companies put this cost in the salesman’s own consumption. Each company calculate concrete batch plant cost according to its own situation. The cost of certain consumables in concrete enterprises, such as pump tube, S valve, mixer oil, oil filter, air filter, tire consumption (pump truck, loader), mixer liner, mixing arm, and so on.
Detection of a mini batching plant: Including the annual inspection concrete batching plant cost, load-meter and test equipment, and detection costs of testing station. Concrete batching plant cost of state taxation. If you sell undocumented goods, sales of undocumented goods is very difficult. Cost of ready mix concrete plant of others including office consumables, network costs, GP RS costs, ERP costs and so on.
n short, the costs of batching plant for concrete listed above should be included in the cost of setting up concrete batching plant. Now, do you know how much concrete batch plant cost from my introduction? If you still have any problems with concrete batching plant cost, please contact with us.